Two obvious but often overlooked marketing strategies are that everyone loves to get something for nothing and having something on your desk with a supplier's logo on it just means that you tend to think of them first ... you know ... BEFORE the competition. So, sending out affordable but intelligently branded promotional products to your customers means you get to achieve both.

We've sourced what we believe are the pick of the manufacturers, with a range of products wide enough to suit any taste, any budget and just about any need. As there are literally tens of thousands of products available, we have put links here to our manufacturers' sites that will enable you to browse and see what's available.

If you'd like to know more about any product or request a quote, simply Contact Us using the enquiry form at the bottom of every page of this website and make sure you include the following:

  • All your contact information
  • Product Code of the item/s you're interested in
  • Any product options (if applicable like Colour etc.)
  • Name of the range you found the product in (such as "Funky Thingz")
  • Quantity of the product you're interested in ordering
  • Needed by date (if applicable for trade show etc.)

Visit our iDPromoProducts site to enjoy browsing this absolutely huge range ...

iDStyle has been proudly serving Australian businesses since 1995 with an ever-increasing range of products to help us, help you, present your business professionally and with style.

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